A head injury can range in severity from a mild concussion to a severe brain injury. It is critical to recognize the warning signs, as early intervention can make all the difference in recovery.

What are the warning signs?

In adults and older children:

Severe and persistent headache: A headache that gets worse or does not go away with pain relievers.

Repeated vomiting: More than one repeated vomiting.

Drowsiness or difficulty waking up: If the person is more sleepy than normal or has difficulty responding to stimuli.

Seizures: Any uncontrolled movement of the body can be an alarm signal.

Loss of balance or coordination: Difficulty walking or maintaining balance.

Weakness of a part of the body: If the person feels weakness in an arm or leg, it is important to evaluate it.

Changes in speech or vision: Difficulty speaking or seeing clearly.

Confusión o desorientación: If the person does not know where he or she is or who he or she is.

Pupils of different sizes: If the pupils of the eyes have different sizes.

In babies:

Changes in sleep patterns: If the baby sleeps more or less than usual or has difficulty waking up.

Excessive irritability: If the baby is more irritable than normal and does not calm down easily.

Bulging or sunken fontanelleThe fontanelle is the soft spot on a baby's head. If it is bulging or sunken, it may be a sign of pressure on the brain.

Repeated vomiting. Refusal to eat. Seizures..

If any of these signs appear, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately.


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