PREVENTION It is ideal to use an ergonomic chair with lumbar support to maintain proper curvature of the spine. The use of a footrest is ideal. The knees should be at a 90-degree angle. 2 Avoid...
PREVENTION It is ideal to use an ergonomic chair with lumbar support to maintain proper curvature of the spine. The use of a footrest is ideal. The knees should be at a 90-degree angle. 2 Avoid...
A head injury can range in severity from a mild concussion to a severe brain injury. It is critical to recognize the warning signs, as early intervention can make all the difference in recovery.
YOUR BRAIN: User Manual Brain health is a fundamental aspect of our lives, taking care of this organ is important. Below, we present some tips based on scientific evidence that can help you improve your brain health.
CONSEJOS GENERALES PARA PACIENTES CON OSTEOPORÓSIS Y FRACTURAS VERTEBRALES La osteoporosis debilita los huesos especialmente las vértebras. Las fracturas vertebrales resultantes causan dolor, pérdida de altura, deformidades y pueden comprimir nervios. Estas consecuencias afectan significativamente la calidad de vida de…
ACT FAST Stay calm: This is essential to be able to help effectively. Ensure safety: – Remove dangerous objects from the environment. – Place something soft (a pillow, a folded piece of clothing) under the person’s head to prevent bumps.